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Can the cam indexer rotate on both sides? Best slewing equip

2021-10-11 14:57   camdex indexer      
Can the cam indexer rotate forward and backward? First look at the internal structure of the indexer.
Cam indexer clockwise and counterclockwise, indexing rotation direction
The input mechanism of the indexer is a cam mechanism composed of the cam and the input shaft of the indexer installed together without gaps. It rotates under the action of the motor to perform the splitting action. In other words, when the input shaft of the cam indexer rotates 360 degrees, a complete mechanical action is completed. From the appearance, it can be seen that the input cam can be rotated in both directions. It can be completed in both directions from static to static or from static to driving. In other words, the structure of the indexer input cam determines that the input shaft can rotate in two directions. In actual use, the driving source of the input shaft comes from Because of the motor, as long as the input direction of the motor power is changed, the forward and reverse rotation of the input shaft of the indexer can be realized.
Cam indexer clockwise and counterclockwise, indexing rotation direction
Regarding the structure of the output turret as shown in the figure below, the output mechanism consists of the needle roller bearing on the output turret and the ribs of the indexer input cam for mechanical transmission to achieve intermittent output. Then, from the structure, It can also be seen that the circular arrangement of needle rollers on the output turret has no starting point. Then, it can be determined that the rotation direction of the input shaft of the cam indexer has no effect on the rotation direction of the output turret. Therefore, from the structural analysis of the main transmission components of the cam indexer, the cam indexer can completely realize forward and reverse rotation.
Cam indexer clockwise and counterclockwise, indexing rotation direction
In actual use, it is rare to frequently change the rotation direction of the cam indexer. Since the indexer structure can realize forward and reverse rotation, is it possible to frequently change the direction during use? It should be discussed from the mechanical performance. Any mechanical transmission needs to go through a running-in period to achieve an ideal mechanical performance. Long-term rotation in a single direction. After the mechanical parameters are stable, if the rotation direction is changed again, it will be repeated. Effective performance can only be achieved after a running-in period. Just like a car engine, it cannot be reversed. Even reversing is not the engine reversal, but the gear mechanism of the gearbox.
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