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Details that are easily overlooked in the use of cam indexer

2021-05-17 15:59   camdex indexer      
High-precision cam indexers are used more and more widely in automated machinery. In addition to installation, use, maintenance, and maintenance according to requirements, there are also some details that are easy to be overlooked. Great influence, so these details must attract the attention of engineers and technicians.
Details that are easily overlooked in the use of cam indexer(图1)
1. The placement method of the cam indexer and the high-precision feature make the cam indexer become squeamish in all details such as storage and transportation, because the accuracy of the Camde indexer is higher than 0.002MM, that is to say, long-term Improper placement will have a slight impact on its accuracy. Therefore, the cam indexer must be placed in the forward direction. The outer packaging of the indexer has a clear mark that prohibits inversion, and special attention should be paid to the storage process.
2. The handling method of the cam indexer, the indexer of the finished product, will eventually be delivered to the customer's hand through logistics. For the lighter indexer and the heavy indexer, special emphasis must be placed on the handling requirements when handling, because, according to Strong impact or rough handling will affect the accuracy.
3. During the process of use, the customer must arrange a special person to manage the cam indexer. The maintenance, maintenance and repair of the product must formulate meticulous operation instructions. For the repair and testing of the product function and accuracy, the operation must be carried out in strict accordance with the manual. .
The above points are details that are easily ignored by engineers and technicians during the use of high-precision cam indexers. Unsuitable operations will cause changes in the accuracy of the cam indexers and even affect the service life. Therefore, manufacturers are required to pay close attention to them during use. The details of the operation.
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