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How to use the cam indexer correctly at different temperatur

2021-09-27 09:13   camdex indexer      
Most of the application of automated machinery is completed in a normal working environment. There are also some industries where the working environment is relatively special, such as high and low temperature or acid and other corrosive environments. In this case, how to adjust the cam indexer to adapt to automated production What about the demand? The picture shows an indexer working in a high temperature and corrosive environment. From the outside, the conditions experienced by the product are relatively harsh.
Cam indexer lubrication, index
The indexer works at a suitable temperature. The general standard is defined as between 0 and 40 degrees Celsius. What we call the influence of temperature on the indexer does not consider the thermal expansion and contraction of the cam indexer in the high and low temperature environment for itself and the entire system. Because of this factor, it should be used as an element of special condition selection at the beginning of the indexer selection. What is discussed here is the effect of the temperature change on the lubricating oil used in the indexer. When the internal components of the indexer move together, a certain amount of lubricating oil will be added. On the one hand, it plays an auxiliary role in lubrication, and at the same time, it is conducive to the dissipation of heat generated by the components due to friction. In a word, the working environment outside the standard temperature range requires adjustment of the oil used for the indexer.
Cam indexer lubrication, indexer use, cam indexer temperature
Below "-20 to 0" degrees, the viscosity of the oil inside the indexer will increase, and the adhesion of the surface of the moving parts will increase, which will affect the running speed of the entire transmission system. Therefore, if you use excessively high viscosity lubricating oil, it will To increase the burden on components, especially rotating parts, a good practice should be to use lubricating oil with a low viscosity under low temperature conditions. The choice of oil will be explained in detail in the manual of the indexer manufacturer.
Cam indexer lubrication, indexer use, cam indexer temperature
When the temperature is higher than 40 degrees, the cam indexer's own temperature is relatively high, coupled with the heat generated in the movement, the temperature will be higher than the high temperature in the environment, in this case, if the viscosity of the oil is not large, it will speed up The abrasion of the cam and needle roller of the indexer affects the service life of the indexer. Therefore, in the selection of the indexer in the automation system of various industries, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the factors of the working environment where the indexer is located. For excessively high ambient temperature, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the indexer manufacturing materials in the early stage to ensure that the indexer is in use Deformation data due to heat and cold.

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